Pet Surgery in American Fork, UT

Pet Surgery with our American Fork Veterinarian

No dog or cat owner wants to hear that their beloved family pet needs surgery. However, sometimes surgical intervention is the best option to help keep your pet healthy and free of pain. The experienced veterinary team at Utah Veterinary Hospital is qualified to perform both elective and non-elective pet surgery services for a range of conditions that your pet might face.

Common Pet Surgeries

There are a number of reasons why your pet may need surgery. Here are some of the most common pet surgeries we offer:

  • Spays and Neuters
  • Tumor Removal
  • Wound Repair
  • Foreign Body Removal
  • Ophthalmic Surgery
  • Orthopedic Surgery (Hip Dysplasia, Amputation, Ligament repair, etc.)
  • Oral or Dental Surgery (Extractions, Cleanings, etc.)

The only way to know for sure if surgery is right for your pet is to consult your veterinarian. After a thorough examination, the vet will go over your treatment options with you and explain if surgery is the best option for your pet’s condition.

Importance of Anesthesia During Pet Surgery

Most pet surgeries will require anesthesia. Though the thought of anesthesia can be frightening for worried pet owners, it plays an important role in your pet’s surgical procedure. Anesthesia helps ensure that your pet feels no pain during the surgery and helps their body relax so that the veterinarians can complete the procedure.

There are two types of anesthesia: local and general. Local anesthetics are used to numb certain areas of the body while general anesthesia renders a pet unconscious during the procedure. General anesthesia is necessary for many of the most common pet surgical procedures we perform.

Each pet’s needs for anesthesia will vary based on their health history and other factors. For instance, a puppy will need a different anesthesia protocol than a senior dog. The veterinary team at Utah Veterinary Hospital is experienced with different anesthesia needs and will be able to recommend the proper protocol for your pet after an examination.

As with any type of medical procedure, there are some risks with anesthesia that range from mild reactions to fatality. However, with proper planning before the surgery, careful monitoring during the procedure, and adequate aftercare, these risks can be minimized.

American Folk UT Veterinarian Pet Surgery

If you think that your pet may need surgery, it’s vital that you visit Utah Veterinary Hospital for a comprehensive exam. Our experienced veterinary team will examine your pet and determine whether pet surgery might be the best option for your animal. If your pet does need surgery, your veterinarian will explain the process and what to expect before, during, and after surgery. The vet will also provide you with detailed instructions for caring for your pet during recovery.

To make an appointment with a veterinary professional, call: 801-692-1563.