No pet owner wants their pet to suffer needlessly. Many pets who reach the end of their life are euthanized to provide relief from pain and an end to suffering. While euthanasia is a common practice in the veterinary world, many pet owners know little about what to expect and how to handle the passing of their animal friend. At the Utah Veterinary Hospital in American Fork, UT, we provide end of life services to pets, including euthanasia. We advise pet owners about their options and if the pet owner decides to proceed with euthanasia, we help pets through the process.
When to Make the Appointment
The decision to put a pet to sleep is never an easy one. In the days and weeks, before you decide to proceed with euthanasia, you may be in and out of the veterinary office frequently. You may have questions about your pet’s relative comfort, chances of recovery and quality of life.
Make the appointment to euthanize your pet after considering all the options. Give yourself time to process this decision. When making the appointment, talk to the scheduler to find a long block of time in the day. This gives you time to sit with your pet after the procedure if needed.
What to Expect
Each procedure starts with an injection of the proper chemicals. The solution is injected into the pet in a vein on the leg. Within 6 to 12 seconds, the pet will close his eyes and “sleep.” After your pet loses consciousness, he or she will continue to breathe for a time before passing away. How long this state lasts depends on the health of the pet. We allow pet owners to sit with their pet during and after the procedure. Some pet owners choose to hold their pet while euthanasia is taking place. We do our best to accommodate these requests.
Stay or Leave?
Many pet owners struggle to decide whether to be in the room while euthanasia is taking place. Every circumstance is different. At the Utah Veterinary Hospital, we allow pet owners to stay in the room with their pet if it’s what they want, or we allow pet owners to sit in the lobby and see their pet when the procedure is over.
Contact Your Pet’s Veterinarian in American Fork, UT
At the Utah Veterinary Hospital in American Fork, UT, we help pets in their final stages. We also answer pet owner questions about their pet’s condition as they try to decide whether or not to euthanize their pet. We provide the best care possible to pets in need.
Whether you’re ready to proceed with more medical treatments or seek only to limit your pet’s suffering in these final stages, we can help. Handling each procedure with tact and delicacy, we can help you and your pet during this difficult time. To make an appointment, contact us today at 801-692-1563.